DERQX Perfumes

the Fragrance Experience
There is an olfactory organ at the top of the human nose. When you inhale through your nose, floating odors enter the top of your nose. There it comes into contact with the olfactory mucosa. This mucous membrane has thousands of sensory cells, these are also called olfactory receptors. The binding of the odor molecules and sensory cells causes all kinds of reactions.
The signal of the reaction is conducted to the brain. In the brain, the scent signal is given a meaning. This could be anything, including a warning.
The nose has traditionally been made to distinguish whether food is spoiled or not, but bitter odors also often indicate poisons. We sniff to smell better because the olfactory mucosa is at the very top of the nose. So the air has to come all the way up.
There are about a thousand olfactory receptors in your nose, which help give meaning to more than ten thousand smells.

Many of these odors trigger a response in the human subconscious, because the olfactory lobe of the brain is connected to the limbic system. The limbic system is the interface between the brainstem and the cerebrum, which plays a major role in human emotions and in the control of feelings. This includes important functions of memory and our emotional life.
Smell is decisive for humans and animals. This even goes back to the bond between parent and child. Men and women can be attracted to each other's scent. That recognition (from baby to mother, from mother to child, from man to woman or woman to man) is based on the exchange of smells. Someone can be hit by sniffing a certain smell. Scents can also create a good or bad mood. Thus, the mood of the mind can be determined by smell.
With a scent you can say something to someone, as it were. People base their feelings on a smell. A woman who wears a fragrance that smells like grapefruit is estimated to be younger. A woman who wears spicy or floral scents is considered much lighter.
Aromatherapy uses scents. By acting on the brain with certain smells, physical complaints are addressed. The chemicals released after a reaction to an odor have an effect on the nervous system.
Fragrance variants in relation to feelings
• Comfort fragrances; someone feels safe and secure. This feeling is often due to vanilla (it is said to remind us of breast milk).
• Instant happiness scents; this often happens when smearing or applying Citrus scents.
• Confidence and self-assurance through scents; for women, this often involves full-bodied and intoxicating perfumes with a sexy aftertaste. Oriental scents with woody notes, but also Musk, Patchouli and Cypress are included. So you can reduce uncertainty with a certain scent.
• Soothing scents; especially floral scents make one feel calm and positive. It is associated with spring, love and romance. In aromatherapy, rose oil is often used to make people feel better, calmer or more positive. Rose oil is often used in perfume for this purpose.
A few essential oils with their effect
• Aniseed; this aids digestion and also relieves muscle spasms.
• Basil; this clarifies thinking, it also relieves headaches and migraines.
• Benzoin; this improves dry skin, rashes and eczema.
• Cedar; this balances over productive sebaceous glands.
• Lime; this reduces the retention of fluids and toxins, also improves circulation and improves mental strength.
• Neroli; this relieves the symptoms of agitation and stress.
• Patchouli; this relaxes and calms the mind.